I waveco®, and you? Interview to chef Daniele Canella

4 August 2022

What are the benefits that waveco® with its innovative induced maturation©, technique can offer to chefs all over the world? To answer this question we took a tour of the Chianti hills, where we met Chef Daniele Canella, Executive Chef at restaurant Il Visibilio in the new 5-star residence of Tenuta Fontanelle Estate – The ClubHouse; where the menu has the signature of the multi-starred and waveco® Chef Giuseppe Iannotti.

waveco® in Chef Daniele Canella’s kitchen

Chef Canella takes his first steps in the kitchen in Forte Dei Marti, but his desire to increase his knowledge and preparation lead him beyond regional borders: Rome, Edinburgh, Venice; in the kitchens of great stars of Italian cuisine such as Claudio Melis and Michelino Gioia. In 2010 he returned to his Tuscany and landed at Tenuta Le Fontanelle, where a few years later Francesco Ferrettini will also arrive and then become his Sous Chef entrusted with the management of La Colonna restaurant. In 2022 Chef Canella takes charge of Il Visibilio, the new restaurant of the estate born under the (Michelin) stars of Giuseppe Iannotti.

Interview with chef Daniele Canella

Our Francesco, NCG Marketing Manager met chef Daniele Canella and talked with him about how waveco® has improved his cooking.

D: Hi Chef, thank you for according us an interview. Can you tell us how did you get to know waveco®?

A: Good morning Francesco, thank you for this opportunity and it is a pleasure to see you again. We met with waveco® in 2020 while online searching with Francesco F. to see what new the market had to offer. It was the year when the pandemic exploded and we took that “break” to do research and find new products and technologies.

Q: What made you decide to include waveco® in your kitchen, what impressed you?

A: We came to your Lab in Teramo to get to know waveco® better, and being a totally innovative machine we automatically decided to insert it in Il Visibilio, which two years ago was still a project. What impressed us about the induced maturation was the reduced preparation time that needed to be spent on the raw material and the benefits it ensured, thus making the product perfect. With this new opening, the research for perfection and, above all, for new flavors and textures was recurring. In waveco®, we have found a valid ally.

Q: Compared to the past, how is waveco® helping you in the management of raw materials? I am thinking of purchase, conservation, storage. And, more generally, to the global management of your menu.

A: The advantage of having a much healthier product with a longer shelf life is certainly helping us a lot. Compared to the past, we are managing the storage of raw materials in a more fluid and organized way. We are able to have a more interesting work, also concerning our suppliers. It was unthinkable, before, to purchase large supplies of raw materials such as fallow deer.

Q: After some time since the introduction of the machine in your brigade, and actively using it, what do you think of the induced maturation© technology generated by focused ultrasound waveco®’s ?

A: With my brigade, in the briefing moments we often talk about what is evolving in our kitchen and with our guys we always agree that going back to the times we didn’t have waveco® would be really unthinkable. Today we are able to obtain softness in meats on the menu that were previously unthinkable, unless cooked for a long and stressful time, while on other dishes we experience unique benefits.

Q: Can you tell us a “before and after” of your signature dish redesigned with waveco®?

A: In our menu we have a dish, which has fallow deer as its main protein. This meat, which is part of furred game, also called black meat, is a very tenacious food and also has a significant bacterial count. To make it soft, it is usually cooked at a low temperature for several hours and then finished. Today, thanks to waveco®, after the forced maturation we are able to cook directly on the charcoal grill and serve it rare, with a very soft texture (even compared to TBC) and much safer.

Q: Chef, the slogan used for the last edition of Host 2021 and for this interview is: I waveco® and you? Can you share with us a personal consideration that may be useful in making your colleagues who still don’t use this technology understand the added value of it?

A: waveco® is a new and innovative technology and with its induced maturation© it helps us Chefs a lot, especially on the shelf life of the raw materials we use in the kitchen. It really ensures their softness and, above all, it helps preserve and release the aromas, flavours and individual properties of each food. We also receveid a great support on managing time in the kitchen and especially on food cost.

When I first read about waveco® I was amazed by its benefits and applications, so I booked a demo straight away, and it was scheduled in a very short time. Seeing its use left both me and Francesco F. enthusiastic, so on our return to Tuscany we immediately talked about it with the owners.

Today waveco® is an integral part of Il Visibilio but also supports us in the management of other restaurants in the Estate such as La Colonna restaurant where Francesco is Executive Chef. As a trait-d’union we have an ultra-technological lab where we have placed our waveco® and where both Francesco and I experiment and come up with new ultrasonic recipes.

To date, it would be unthinkable to go back and not have waveco®

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