Say goodbye to temperatures with waveco®: Let’s learn more about flavoured oils

16 February 2023

There is a popular saying that reads: “The ways of the Lord are endless”, but they probably hadn’t come across waveco® yet. Over time we have seen technology applied to animal proteins and vegetables, but today we see how waveco®’s focused ultrasounds act on liquids and specifically on flavoured oils.

Let’s see what are the specific differences between the traditional method and the results achieved through the use of focused ultrasounds.

Flavoured oils were born in the kitchen to meet the need to complete a dish with the classic round of oil, which at the same time had an aroma that would give that extra touch, or bring together the bouquet of flavour found in the dish. Flavoured oils were produced at first simply by adding the flavouring agent to the oil and leaving it in “maceration” for a few days for the flavouring to take place.

With the advent of low temperature and the know-how obtained on the technique, the Chefs began to prepare flavoured oils using this technique which allowed the flavour of the flavouring agent to have a greater impact on the oils. However, bringing an oil to 60 – 65° for times that even reached 4 hours there was the natural consequence of the deconstruction of the oil composition, thus also denaturing the characteristics of the oil itself.

With waveco® the scenario changes radically.

We totally reduce the temperatures, consequently the oil will not be denatured by the use of temperatures that compromise the structure and flavour of the oil. Let’s speed up the process: 60 minutes of induced maturation© and 2 hours of rest are enough.

The advantages of using waveco®‘s induced maturation for the production of oil is that of exploiting the homogenising and emulsifying action of focused ultrasound to bind the flavouring agent to the oil in a more intrinsic way. Also taking advantage of the extractive action of the process, we can also make oils with “waste elements” such as celery leaves, cherry pits or with anything that could end up in waste. In this way we also optimise waste management.

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