waveco® and the 5 senses: the induced maturation© keeps the flavors-perfumes.

20 June 2022

Continue our sensory journey to discover the benefits of induced maturation© on foods: in this article we talk about how waveco® It maintains the flavours and aromas, while maximising the raw materials. Some of the most outstanding results? Are they obtained on vegetables and fruits. Here are some examples.

waveco® enhances the flavors and aromas of vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the protagonists of some of the most famous recipes of the many chefs who, in Europe and Italy, have adopted waveco® in their kitchens: such as, for example, the Chitarrine with wild asparagus and guanciale by chef Valerio Centofanti, where the tips of the asparagus are ripened in waveco® for 90 minutes, remaining crisp and tasty.

And with the arrival of summer, there is a growing desire to bring to the table the flavors and aromas of seasonal vegetables, rich in nutrients that are good for our health. A vegetable protagonist of the summer is the pepper: green, yellow or red, gives color and flavor to dishes; in addition, the pepper brings to the human body a considerable content of water (of which it is composed of 92%), has very few calories (23 per 100 grams) and is an excellent source of vitamin C. The pepper, ripened with waveco® not only maintains softness but also keeps the color and above all, amplifies its scent and flavor.

waveco® and the 5 senses: fruit flavors and aromas

There is an example, above all, that can tell how waveco® It enhances the scent and sweetness of fruit: let’s talk about candied fruit, a sweet protagonist of numerous desserts (but also savory dishes) of Italian cuisine. The traditional process of preparation of candied fruit involves reducing much of the water present in the fruit, with sugar through osmosis: this process is very long, it results in the loss of nutritional qualities of the food and flavors. waveco® revolutionizes the candiing technique of foods: thanks to the induced maturation© It is possible to obtain candied fruit in a short time, without using food additives and reducing the amount of sugar in the processing, so that the main protagonist remains the taste of the fruit. Exceptional results are obtained with citrus, lemon, orange, grapefruit.

Try to believe! If you want to see the induced maturation© in action and taste vegetables and fruits prepared with waveco® our chefs are waiting for you live in the Food Lab to show you how our innovative machine works. Book a demo.

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