waveco® makes Padova ultrasonic. Audience Award’s First prize.

19 October 2022

The second edition of Innovation Village in Padua at the historical BarNext fair ended on 27 September. For the second consecutive year, the Fiera organization has involved 10 Start-ups from the Italian scene to discover all the news for the HO.RE.CA and Beverage sector.

What is the Innovation Village and its intent

As you can read on their own website: At the center of BarNext, the B2B event dedicated to professionals active in the field of food & beverage, wine and services, beats an innovative heart. It is BarNext Innovation Village, the thematic area where the ecosystem of Italian innovation in the food & beverage sector meets up for a moment of discussion and sharing. But also an award for the most innovative and ground-breaking ideas. The village is open to startups, companies, SMEs, research centers and professionals who want to trace the future of the sector together, a unique opportunity for networking and business between emerging realities and established players.

Ten are the Start-Ups selected for this 2022 and during the two day-event, they have presented their innovative ideas and their business model in front of possible investors and a jury who, at the end of the event, decreed the most Innovative Start-Up according to both the vote of the Audience and the Technical Jury.

What happened during the Innovation Village

On the first day of the event, several sessions took place during the day, and each StartUp talked about their project and had the opportunity to let the other participants and professionals who attended the exhibition center discover their project for innovation.

On the 27th, the ten StartUps took turns on stage in an individual Pitch Session in front of a Technical Jury composed of: Giulia Cimpanelli, journalist working for Corriere della Sera, Marcos Maceroni, event account manager for Padova Hall, Cristina Mattiussiin charge of Northeastern InnovUp, Roberto Pellegrini, AIBES Veneto and Trentino Alto-Adige contact person and Nicola Possagnolo, Ceo & managing partner ofNoonicand co-founder Michelin-starred Venetian restaurant Zanze XVI.

Francesco Allocca, our CMO, in the three minutes given to each StartUp, explained briefly and concisely the waveco core and waveco® project and how the latter brings actual benefits in the kitchens of Chefs. Very heartfelt and warm, the theme of Energy Saving that waveco® can ensure up to 70%, thanks to the action of focused ultrasounds on the raw material.

The award ceremony

After the individual pitches, and the votes of both the audience and the technical jury, Luca Barbieri of Blum.vision together with Cristina Mattiussi decreed the first place for the
Audience Award, which went to waveco®. A few moments later, Nicola Possagnolo decreed the first place for the Technical Jury Award, which goes to Restworld, a StartUp that connects supply and demand in the job search sector. waveco® got the second prize.

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