Why waveco

4 different cusines, one machine

waveco is a professional machine, the result of a long technological development process carried out by our team, Next Cooking Generation, an innovative PMI that operates in research, engineering and building of highly technological machines destined to the food sector.

When we first imagined our waveco concept, we started from the core need of people working in kitchens: finding a better and more profitable way to perform culinary techniques, in order to shift the focus back to the food product and fully enhance it.



The meat is softer and juicier

Waveco standardises the meat handling process, allowing faster maturation by limiting weight loss without penalising nutritional properties. The process takes place at room temperature and results in a softer, juicier meat.

Advantages in the kitchen

Increased juiciness and taste

The pushed ripening process©of waveco® avoids the loss of liquids and all those organoleptic characteristics of the cut of meat that are essential for increasing quality.

Reduced cooking times

The high degree of fibre distension of the food after thorough ripening©enables chicken, for example, to be vacuum-cooked at a low temperature in 18 minutes at 68° compared to the traditional method which generally takes place at 68° for two hours.

Greater Tenderness

Focused ultrasound massage increases the tenderness of any cut of meat. The technique makes it possible to enhance and soften even those parts of the animal that are less valuable or considered to be of lower quality.

Kitchen Innovation

With waveco® it is possible to speed up routine processes and preparations by saving processing hours and better organising staff in the various tasks, avoiding waste and unnecessary costs.

Food safety and shelf life

Focused ultrasound breaks down the bacterial load in the food, making it safer and allowing longer storage.

Reduction in food cost

The use of waveco® makes it possible to purchase meat 48 hours after slaughtering and to carry out maturing independently thanks to push maturing©. Purchasing costs are reduced compared to a matured meat, as weight loss, storage and supply chain costs are not affected.


Fish is fresher and safer

The pushed maturation process preserves all the delicate nutritional qualities of the fish, allowing unparalleled results in terms of tenderness, shelf life and food safety.

Advantages in the kitchen

Increased food safety

The decontaminating effect of focussed ultrasound enables a food that is safe for the consumer Thanks to the bactericidal action of waveco® , for example, listeria is neutralised in smoked salmon.

Reducing waste

The use of waveco® enables a virtuous conduct within the business that leads to an alignment between the amount of food purchased, processed and served to the end consumer

Speeding up processes

The technological aspect of the machine allows a better reorganisation of work by reducing preparation and cooking times. For example in marinating, the chef will have a marinated salmon in one hour, compared to the traditional 8/12 hours needed.

Improving techniques

Induced maturation© improves the techniques used, such as marinating the fish. The process will be homogenous, will not dry out the food and will make it soft with a delicate taste.

Increase in Shelf life

The reduction of the bacterial load allows a considerable increase in the shelf life of the product, which retains its characteristics for longer.

Raw material valorisation

The machine increases the quality of the final product by allowing the chef to use foods or parts of foods that are not normally used in the kitchen, thus reducing waste and offering his customers a dish that fully enhances the raw material.


Crispy and colourful vegetables

With waveco you enter a new concept of vegetable consumption: all vegetables during push ripening are not cooked, thus preventing rapid oxidation and loss of the vitamins and minerals they contain.

Advantages in the kitchen

Product quality

Focused ultrasound preserves the fundamental characteristics and properties of plants, reducing temperature and preparation time and preventing the dispersion of thermolabile properties.

Lower food costs

The machine’s high production capacity allows a clear reduction in operating and raw material procurement costs.

Time reduction

Preparation techniques are reduced with waveco®. For example, it is possible to speed up the soaking of legumes such as chickpeas, by carrying out the process in 2.5 hours compared to the traditional method that takes about 12 hours. The time is also reduced in the subsequent cooking phase, which will be much shorter and will result in an equally soft and digestible vegetable.

Reducing waste

Induced maturation©allows even the most tenacious parts or those considered to be of lesser quality of a vegetable to be used in the production process, such as, for example, the leaves of artichokes, rather than the stalks as they are harder and very often not used in the preparation of the dish.

Increased taste

Waveco® enhances the organoleptic qualities of foods by making them more palatable to new ways of consumption, allowing the true flavours and different notes of vegetables to be rediscovered.

More experimentation

The focused ultrasound process allows complex and time-consuming processes such as infusions or flavour extractions to be carried out and accelerated. For example, oils can be aromatised without heat in less than an hour, compared to the traditional method that requires temperatures close to 60°, which naturally reduces the quality of the final product and changes the structure of the oil.


Best-tasting desserts

The technological innovation of waveco improves the techniques of the ancient art of pastry making: thanks to push ripening, long preparation processes are accelerated and greater food safety is ensured.

Advantages in the kitchen

Longer shelf life

The reduction of the bacterial load allows a considerable product shelf life and increased food safety.

Time reduction

With the machine, preparations are speeded up. As in candying, where only a few hours of processing are required to obtain a soft, non-chewy food compared to the traditional method, which requires several days to produce the final product.

Amplified organoleptic qualities

waveco® improves the infusion and aroma extraction process. Time and quantity of raw material are reduced while the final product will be better in terms of taste and colouring. Taking infusion liqueurs such as limoncello as an example, thanks to the action of focused ultrasound, we will have the final product in 4 hours of maturation push© and 5 days of rest, compared to about 30 days for the traditional method.

New cooking solutions

The compactness of the machine allows even small quantities of product to be processed, making it possible to experiment more profitably with new products or recipes.

Final product quality

The pushed ripening© process allows the production of purer products due to the low processing temperatures and different sweet structures from those that can be obtained with traditional processing.

Improving techniques

Ultrasound technology makes it possible to improve the execution of cooking techniques such as emulsions, which are much more stable and interesting from an organoleptic and sensory point of view. For example, ganaches can be made without bringing cream to the boil.

Ours Ambassador

Food cost

Food-cost is the totality of production, management, storage and service costs needed in order to make the food available for the consumer. It is a value that sets the ratio between the cost of the raw material used and the ancillary costs for the preparation of a dish and its selling price.

The exact calculation of food-cost is key to your business’ success: we offer you a quick and simple tool where you’ll be able to compare your current costs with the savings you could get by using waveco everyday.

Calculate your Food Cost

Calculate your Food Cost Through a simple and quick calculation you’ll be able to compare your current costs with the savings you could get by using waveco everyday. Enter your costs.

Step 1: Food & Energy

Fill in all fields to start the calculation.

Please, insert some value in this fieldThis value is not valid, use only numbers and dots to separate decimal digits.
Raw Materials Total monthly cost of buying food such as meat, fish, poultry, vegetables...
Please, insert some value in this fieldThis value is not valid, use only numbers and dots to separate decimal digits.
Monthly electricity consumption Please enter the amount of electrical energy, expressed in kWh, consumed in a month in your restaurant.
Please, insert some value in this fieldThis value is not valid, use only numbers and dots to separate decimal digits.
How much do you pay for each kWh to your energy supplier? Supplier means for example: Enel Energia; Eni Gas and Light; Acea Energia; A2A; etc etc
Please, insert some value in this fieldThis value is not valid, use only numbers and dots to separate decimal digits.
During the working days of your restaurant, how much raw material do you prepare for the lunch and dinner service? Your menu offers guests different courses divided between appetizers, first courses, second courses etc. This involves a careful evaluation of the raw material, its processing and purchase costs, in order to offer an excellent final dish. In the next box, indicate on average how many types of raw materials a dish of your menu is composed (ex: 1 protein; 1 vegetable; 2 seasonings= 4)

Step 2: Employees

Also enter these details to refine the calculation.

This value is not valid, use only numbers.
How many people work for you? Kitchen staff in your catering business, such as cooks, kitchen staff, preparation and cleaning staff.
This value is not valid, use only numbers and dots to separate decimal digits.
How many days a week is your restaurant open? Each restaurant has one or more weekly closing days per shift, for example: Monday and/or Tuesday. In that case, you can enter 5 or 6 in the box to indicate 1 or 2 days off; but if your restaurant does not make rest days, enter 7.
This value is not valid, use only numbers and dots to separate decimal digits.
How many hours does an employee work in your restaurant every day? Please enter the average number of hours worked per day by each employee.
This value is not valid, use only numbers and dots to separate decimal digits.
How many working days per week has the shift of.. The working days of the kitchen staff depend on the due day of rest. For example, if each employee has one day off per week, on average they work 26 days. Then, enter the value 1 in the box.
This value is not valid, use only numbers and dots to separate decimal digits.
What is the average contractual hourly cost of staff? The CCNL for the category of catering, provides for an average/ hourly salary of € 25.00, but also varies according to the task and the classification of the individual resource. If the average cost for your staff is around that amount, in the box, indicate 25,00.

Your Current Food Cost

Based on the information you provided, the monthly expense of your restaurant is: 10000

Your New Food Cost with Waveco®

Using Waveco®, your food cost will decrease to approximately: 10000

for an average saving of: 50%

Food Cost Details

Here are the two comparative tables showcasing your monthly food costs: one reflecting your current expenses and the other highlighting the potential savings you could achieve by adopting Waveco technology.


Food Cost Per Serving 100
Food 100
Energy 100
Employees 100

With Waveco®

Food Cost Per Serving 100 50%
Ingredients 100 35%
Energy 100 70%
Employees 100 50%

Your savings in one year are


Your savings in 10 years are


Request a demo!

Would you like to know more about Waveco® and how it can help you save on your food costs?
What are you waiting for? Request a demo in one of our laboratories right away.

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waveco® in operation?

Book a demo in one of our workshops in Rome, Milan, Teramo or London, to see live how it works

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