Raw squid with waveco®

27 September 2017 / Ricette

An intense scent of the sea and a softness that left us speechless. That’s what we experienced when tasting the new recipe prepared with waveco®

raw squid”. Yes, that’s right! We didn’t cook the famous mollusc. We only used the induced maturation innovative technology.

As you know, the squid is famous for being one of the most difficult molluscs to clean and cook: its high quantity of connective tissue increases the risk of ending up with a rubbery and inedible dish.

With waveco® you can avoid this problem: Its unique maturation process makes the food tender allowing you to prepare a delicious dish, maintaining all its nutritional properties as well as enhancing its aroma and flavour.


Squid is a low-calorie food characterized by a good amount of vitamin B2, vitamin B12 and vitamin C and a significant amount of selenium, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc. Therefore, squid is an excellent food for low-calory diets thanks to its good satiating power and to the large portions that can be eaten.

The squid muscle fibres are very thin, the meat is thick and the many crossed and overlaid layers are reinforced by a high quantity of very compact and resistant collagen. For this reason, to prevent fibres from hardening,  at temperatures around 60 °C it requires long cooking times, to melt the collagen and obtain a succulent and silky pulp.

With waveco® you can significantly reduce the preparation times whilst obtaining a product of superior quality.


“Raw squid”

Ingredients for two portions

  • 2 fresh, medium-sized squid
  • 100 g red tomatoes
  • Olive oil
  • Parsley
  • Preparation time: 90 minutes
  • Food-cost: € 4.20

For this recipe use two fresh, medium-sized squid from the Mediterranean. The first thing to do is to clean them and very carefully extract the ink sac that should be kept in the fridge.

Divide the body from the head and put them in different containers, without spices, then immerse them in the waveco® tank, where you can start the maturation process: 90 minutes are necessary for the head and 60 minutes for the body.

At the end of the process, you will have a product which has not been cooked, but only matured, and has maintained its nutritional properties as well as enhanced its characteristics.

You will have an intense and strong taste. On the palate it is soft and savoury, with an aroma of fresh fish.

Conversely, the traditional technique would have required long cooking at a low temperature, that would have affected the quality of the final product, with a loss of liquids and nutrients.

Prepare the two sauces. Take the parsley and mature it with waveco® inside a container with ice for 20 minutes. Then, blend it with extra-virgin olive oil.

Do the same for the tomatoes: mature them with waveco®  for 30 minutes. In the end, you will have homogenized pieces of tomato that you then blend with oil and salt.

The maturation allows an increase in the organoleptic properties of the two vegetables. The tomato has an intoxicating fragrance while the parsley maintains all its precious antioxidant properties. Remember, we are talking about raw finished products that have not been altered by the traditional cooking techniques.


Colour your plate with our two red and green sauces. On the plate, lay the squid body, cut into julienne strips and seasoned with a trickle of olive oil, and the head, seared in a pan. After a final garnish with squid ink, our raw squid is ready.


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