waveco® recipes: passion fruit flavoured shrimps

02 August 2018 / Ricette

Many consider shrimps the fifth essence of cooking: the nice appearance and sweet, delicate taste make them the star of restaurant menus all over the


world. Like many crustaceans, they have very low calories (under 100kcal/hg), low fat, while they contain high cholesterol and quite a large amount of sugar. In cooking they are extremely versatile and can be used in numerous preparations: but be careful about high temperatures. The flesh is so delicate that quick cooking is the go-to choice to prevent the risk of spoiling its organoleptic and nutritional properties.

This is why a much used technique for preparing shrimps is marination: this process tenderises and exalts the quality of food which allows its best points to come to the fore. Again, here is a little tip: you need to fine-tune marination times to prevent food from “overcooking”, which may eventually result in the flesh being too soft and to have lost the flavour of the sea.

You can overcome these cooking and flavour issues and save a lot of time when cooking by using waveco® and its induced maturation©: in fact, thanks to this innovative technique we can avoid the marination period so that our food can preserve all its delicate nutritional properties and achieve an incomparable result in terms of tenderness, shelf life and food safety.

How about testing waveco® with this recipe: “Passion Fruit Marinated Shrimps”. To prepare this recipe, you will need: shrimps, passion fruit, dill, extra-virgin olive oil.


Take 100 gr of shrimps (for one serving) and put them into a bag with passion fruit juice and a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil and run the induced maturation© process for 10 minutes. At the end of the process, the shrimps will have absorbed the marinade through the core more easily, thoroughly and quickly compared to the traditional method.

On the palate they will taste tender with a pleasant texture and a slight hint of the sea.


Marination is a technique used to flavour, preserve, tenderise and cook foods. The food is “attacked” by the acidic base of the emulsion and thanks to a physical-chemical process called Osmosis, through which two liquids of different concentrations pass through the membranes to equalise on the two sides; the aromas (and the acid) penetrate the fibres, thus seasoning and tenderising foods at the same time. The duration of the marination process may vary and take from 24 to 36 hours. Thanks to induced maturation© you can significantly shorten this time.


Take the cleaned shrimp heads, sear them and put them into a bag with water and run the induced maturation© process for 60 minutes. At the end of the process we get a smooth compound with intense taste and aroma. Take the dill, put it into a bag with water and run induced maturation© for 30 minutes. Shortly we will get a perfect dill extract which shows no signs of oxidation (thanks to the cold process) and has maintained all the nutritional and organoleptic properties of the food.


By extract we can refer to a number of processes and techniques that allow you to obtain oily mixtures from solid food, of which they amplify and concentrate features such as taste and aroma.

gamberi waveco maturazione


Take the liquid used to marinate the shrimps: thanks to induced maturation© the compound is stabilised and smooth. Blend and store in a container for garnishing.


Take the dill extract, blend it and sieve it. Then plate the passion fruit-flavoured shrimps, gently lay some extract and emulsion drops in the manner of a mosaic. Complete with some dill for decoration.


Thanks to induced maturation© we can prepare raw shrimps while ensuring full food safety. In addition, this process allows us to obtain thorough marination in a short time which, along with oil and the acid and sugary part of passion fruit, provide shine and intense flavour to the crustaceans. With waveco® we can also easily and quickly apply the extraction technique to several foods used for this recipe: with no heat needed and therefore with no loss of nutrients and organoleptic properties, we get perfect, stable emulsions with no colour or flavour degradation.

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