Benefits of waveco® in the post-pandemic. Interview with chef Carmine Calò

22 August 2020 / Interviste agli chef

In our journey in the post covid-19 through Italian kitchens we’ll talk to many chefs, who will tell us about the benefits

and solutions they found by using our waveco® machine in their kitchens; a technological innovation that our Corporate & Consulting chef  Carmine Calò has been lucky enough to use everyday in the company.

“In this post-lockdown time – explains chef Carmine Calò – there’s nothing else to do but to roll up one’s sleeves and keep going on our path, as the time we spent at home made the chef reflect and rethink the whole working process in a new key: if words like food safety and shelf life before were just words and nothing more, now we find them as key points, as the fundamental values for a safe restart”.

Naturally our Corporate & Consulting Chef had to stay home just as his colleagues during lockdown and stay away from his kitchen/lab, where he jealously guards his waveco® machine, a time he spent – as he tells us – thinking about new solutions: “Pauses are always useful creative moments, this one was a bit too long which means there will be ha wave of creativity coming. The ideas and thoughts we had during lockdown, though, must be always backed with technology and rationalism.”.

Of course, transforming ideas and hopes for success into new culinary solutions is never easy, and nothing is granted after post-covid-19 restart raised new issues which obliged the majority of restaurants and chefs to change their habits in the kitchen.

“The current awareness – explains chef Calò – that the usual pre-covid workflow won’t be assured forced many chefs to organise their work more rationally and consciously. The great fortune of those who already had a waveco® was to count on a technology that, besides enhancing creativity, was helpful in the management of the restart, eliminating all uncertainties due to a discontinuous customer flow. Our induced maturation process has characteristics that make him the perfect ally in the kitchen to guarantee food safety, freshness and creativity”.

So, as the chef explains so brilliantly, by investing in technological innovation it is possible to revolutionise for the better your work, paving the way to new solutions to come or ones that used to be just theoretical before this health emergency. Let’s think, for example, to the ethical aspect of the restaurant business: “Covid – explains chef Calò – led also to rethink the whole idea of global sustainability, to think and cook sustainably is today a necessary reality and not a trend, and having technologies such as waveco®’s is crucial in order to approach this new way of cooking. To cook and serve all the cuts of an animal, meat or fish, is the new frontier of sustainability, beside the fact that in general less noble cuts are tastier and healthier, and this is especially true for vegetables: this food, which always had a marginal role in our culinary imagination, today becomes a central and important product just like meat or fish, but the focus – goes on the chef – must be shifted to the nutritional and organoleptic aspects of vegetables, so the aim to serve less and less manipulated (both by high temperatures and other thermal procedures) is now crucial to rediscover their true flavour and not regret our old habit of consuming just meat and fish as main courses.

Induced maturation© performed on vegetables was the missing element in order to ensure that we cross this threshold: to have vegetables that are ready to eat and didn’t undergo cooking or thermal shocks, something that will let us appreciate their true essence. And the preservability of a maturated product, compared to a cooked one is more than twice as much, so it is easy to imagine how this can be helpful in a time where alternating work becomes normal”.

As is our custom, to conclude this chat with chefs, we’ll ask our Corporate & Consulting Chef Carmine Calò to offer a thought to his colleagues; an advice on how to use this waveco® technology, especially thinking of this long phase of restart.

“This technology in this phase is helping so much control all the issues chefs are facing, such as reduction of staff, focus on food cost, energy saving, need for adaptation, food waste reduction, just some of the issues that are easy to face with a crucial and trustworthy partner like waveco®”.

Thank you Chef and enjoy your work.

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