waveco®: viaggio nell’Italia che cucina. La maturazione spinta© riduce il food cost

01 September 2020 / News

Food cost is a crucial parameter when managing a restaurant business, a factor that became even more relevant after the

crisis in the food service sector due to the current health emergency.

Today, to run a business in Ho.Re.Ca – under the current restrictions and uncertain circumstances – means investing resources being unsure whether there’ll be a tangible financial return; so it is necessary to ponder all choices in the organization and management of a business, from the staff to the food purchase.

Every professional in the sector must keep in mind all these factors that concur to determine the “food cost” in order to keep your business management consistently profitable: to do this, it is necessary that the entrepreneur adopt all the instruments and equipment needed to optimise his company, thus helping his employees organise more efficiently the restaurant management.

During our journey through italian kitchens, we had the chance to discuss with many chefs and to get to know thoroughly the topic of food cost, which represents a key factor for the success of a restaurant, one every restaurant owner should give a particular attention to.

All the chefs we met told us about their experiences in managing this parameter in their restaurant, their concerns related to work uncertainties, their choices in menus and the benefits they got when they introduced greater technological innovation in their equipment such as the one represented by waveco®.

By using the induced maturation© technology of focused ultrasounds, chefs were able to reduce significantly their food cost, reshaping their work schedule inside the restaurant while kicking off a virtuous path that starts at the beginning of the supply chain and that aligns the quantity of purchased, processed, stored and served food, while reducing both electricity consumption needed in processing and preparation time, and last but not least dropping significantly the food waste.

A virtuous path that – as our chefs told us- is made possible only by adopting machines like waveco® in our kitchen: thanks to it, all the chefs we spoke to were able to improve their work in the kitchen, ensuring the highest food quality in every dish served to their customers in a complete food safety.

Using waveco® in your kitchen means providing your customers with guaranteed quality and at the same time improving your work and the work of your employees/coworkers; and even more importantly, it means increasing considerably the profits from your business: thanks to the focused ultrasound technology of induced maturation©, it is possible to pick and eliminate some of the steps in the supply chain, like storage and raw material management, something that ensures a drop in purchase costs. Let’s think for instance about the purchase of meat (or fish); it is possible to do it directly from our trusted farmers and to choose to purchase food that wasn’t matured.

Another benefit of this technology capable of reducing food cost is evident during the preparation phase: with waveco® there is no food (or part of it) too tough or too low-quality; the machine can enhance and extract every organoleptic quality, allowing to use them wholly in the creation of a dish – so food waste and unusable parts of every kind of product, from vegetables, to meat, fish or fruits, are eliminated.

As many chefs told us, with induced maturation© it is possible to offer new culinary solutions to your customers while respecting the food security of the consumer.

Besides, the high technological value of the machine allows you to save time, energy and manpower: waveco® is able to interpret the directions provided, thus eliminating all routine tasks and allowing professionals to save up to 40% of the working time, like for example the time used for the cooking and the reduction in the number of equipment needed. This results in a significant reduction of space, purchase costs of unnecessary equipment, and last but not least energy costs, as waveco® has a very low energy consumption which allows you to reduce costs up to 70%.

Learn how waveco® can help you reduce your food cost, running our simulation on the dedicated page>>>>>

Keep following our journey through Italy and read the interviews to the chefs that already use waveco® in their kitchen; you’ll discover how they managed to overcome this post-pandemic phase thanks to new culinary solutions and technological innovations.

Link to the interviews>>>>>>

To learn more on our waveco® machine and its induced maturation© technique, feel free to send us an e-mail or contact us through our form>>>>


Professional demo

Would you like to see our waveco® in action?

Our chefs will show you its functioning during live demos in our Food Lab.


Do you know your food cost?

use our calculator
to discover how to reduce it using waveco®.