Induced maturation© in the kitchen: innovation and creativity

02 February 2022 / News

The technological evolution of waveco® hasn’t stopped: the new machine, launched by the Next Cooking Generation in 2018, is ideal for chefs who want to experiment in the kitchen. Here are some ideas.

The benefits of waveco®’s induced maturation©

Thanks to the induced maturation© process, which takes place through focused ultrasounds, you can make your food softer and less chewy, while preserving its original taste and color and  also its nutritional values. Furthermore, food treated with waveco® increases its shelf-life thanks to a reduction in the bacterial count.

How waveco® is used in the kitchen

As the many chefs who use waveco® in their kitchens tell us, induced maturation © has multiple uses: it tenderizes food, accelerates fermentation, improves marinades and the homogenization process. Its use is transversal: with essential oils, they acquire aromas and flavors; the same applies to vegetables, fish and meat. And let's not forget the desserts.

Induced maturation© in pastry

waveco® also gives great results in pastry preparations, as claimed by the confectioners and chefs who use this innovative machine. Induced maturation© amazes with its excellent results in the candying technique, in emulsions, in the extraction of aromas and in infusions. waveco® is also a very useful tool for making chocolate and ganaches: in this case, their structures remain more stable and the chances of contamination are very low, which ensures a longer storage.

Continue reading the many uses of waveco® on our blog: reading our interviews with chefs who use the machine in their kitchens, you will discover that the future of food service relies on the creativity of professionals and on technological innovation.


Professional demo

Would you like to see our waveco® in action?

Our chefs will show you its functioning during live demos in our Food Lab.


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